My Rating System  

Posted by Miss Food Critic in

Welcome to my Buffalo restaurant review blog. If you are curious about my rating system, please read below.

Restaurants that I review will get anywhere from one to five forks. One being the lowest and five being the highest.

Although food is the heart of the meal, other considerations are taken when reviewing a restaurant. Decor, customer service, menu selection, and price all contribute to the dining experience. I will also include a link to the restaurant's website, if they have one. This can be useful in getting directions, viewing their menu, making reservations or ordering, if needed. If there is something you think perhaps I missed or misunderstood about a restaurant in my review, please feel free to contact me.

Here is a brief overview of my rating system.

The worst possible rating. This restaurant has nothing going for it be it food, price, decor or service. Diners, don't bother.

Probably not worth your time, money or taste buds. This restaurant needs a lot of improvement. You are better off going someplace else, or cooking your own meal.

Good. This place could definitely use some improvement, but you are likely to enjoy your meal.

Great. This place has a lot to offer and you will probably enjoy dining here.

Excellent! This is the best rating a restaurant can get. The food, service, decor and price are all perfection.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 8, 2008 at Monday, December 08, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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